
Poetry & Pushpins is the blog of writer, S.L. Woodford. A graduate of Yale Divinity School, S.L. Woodford spends the majority of her time surrounded by stories. By day, she runs a small, Yale affiliated library, tending to the intellectual offspring of thinkers and mystics. By night, she creates her own stories:  non-fiction about the mundane, the frivolous, the spiritual, and the magical. Her work has appeared in the Young Raven’s Literary Review, The Living Church, Hartford Faith & Values, and Lillian Goes Vintage: The Tumbler. She is a regular contributor to The Vincent Librarian’s Blog.

If you pay close attention, you may see her, hiding in a comma or giggling in the margins. She’s always had a bad habit of leaving little bits of herself behind as she writes. But, hold this knowledge lightly. The wise reader knows that every story has a life of its own—tied to, but also distinct from, the life of its creator.

Poetry & Pushpins publishes a new blog post on Wednesdays, except on holidays. Or, when life gets a little too full of, well, life.


S.L. Woodford in Edgerton Park, New Haven.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. I adore this site and your writing, S.L.Woodford!

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